Monday, November 15, 2010

youth for christ trivandrum

Welcome to Trivandrum Youth For Christ
Youth For Christ's motto is “Anchored to the Rock, Geared to the Times”.

Trivandrum YFC marches on as part of this worldwide movement,evangelising and discipling young people with the support of the local churches.

To participate in the body of Christ in responsible evangelism of youth, presenting them with the person, work and teachings of Christ and discipling them into the church. We work hand in hand with the mainline Churches.

We Have
    A motivation that is Biblical
    A mission that is focused
    A message that is Christ-Centred
    A methodology that is flexible
    A mobilization that is community-wide

Youth for Christ is a movement for the evangelisation, discipling, social involvement and leadership development of youth. Our mandate is to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to all young people, so that every young person in every nation has the opportunity to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

our website :
our E-mail